Wednesday, May 21, 2008

No Leaders

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to appoligize for the lack of communication lately. My work is doing a rec softball team this year and my wife really wanted to play. I am not trying to abandon you but I think I need to support my wife. I will probably not be to scouts/ym on tuesdays for the next while because we have games each Tuesday.

I know Brian is normally working on Tuesday nights and can't be there either. For the meanwhile, I don't know what we are going to do. We are trying to talk to the Bishopric to figure out a temporary or permanent solution to this problem. Hopefully we can get some more leaders to help out on Tuesdays when Brian and I cannot make it.

Hopefully you all have fun anyway. Just look to the Calander for what we planned. Stick to the plan as much as possible and we will try to help out if possible.

I am thinking of doing our activities to Wednesday nights temporarily so that you guys can have at least one leader with you. I don't know if that is possible, but we'll see. Let me know what you think.

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